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Donations allow us to continue to provide free support on our Forum and make our Free Edition available to those who cannot afford to purchase our product.
If you had intended buying our product but made a mistake by donating, please send us some proof of your donation and we will be delighted to send you a licensed copy.
For obvious reasons, donations must exceed the minimum purchase price of the product you desire.
All donations, large and small, help us to continue creating and providing free software security tools such as Spybot – Search & Destroy, Spybot Anti-Beacon, Spybot Identity Monitor, FileAlyzer, Regalyzer, BrowsAlyzer and more!
May we keep you up to date?

Spybot Anti-Beacon Standard Installer

FileAlyzer Standard Installer

FileAlyzer Portable Installer

Spybot - Search & Destroy Standard Installer

Spybot Identity Monitor Standard Installer
Free Downloads RegAlyzer 1.6 Installer
Free Downloads RegAlyzer 2 Installer

BrowsAlyzer Standard Installer