Spybot Anti-Beacon

Anti Beacon 1Spybot Anti-Beacon was initially designed to address the privacy concerns of users of Windows 10. They do not want to have information about their PC usage sent to Microsoft by various tracking (telemetry) features. It has since been modified to block similar tracking functionality in the Windows 7 to 8.1 operating systems. It’s simple to use and free of charge, and will also be part of a future Spybot – Search & Destroy.

Simply clicking on ‘Customize’ on the main screen of Anti-Beacon will give you a choice to select your level of privacy. There are various protection presets available: ‘None’ allows all tracking options, and ‘Full’ will disable all known tracking features included in Microsoft’s operating systems. ‘Recommended’ is the setting we prefer. But you may set any single option to permitted or blocked by yourself. Then your individual immunization is established.

It is easy to undo changes or set another level by choosing ‘Customize’ and the new level again. You may also have Anti-Beacon check your protection at every Windows start.

If you want to provide any feedback on Anti-Beacon, please don’t hesitate to send an email to our support or visit our forum and look for Anti-Beacon.


Anti Beacon 2
O Spybot Anti-Beacon vem em duas opções: como uma instalação padrão ou como uma Edição Portátil compatível com PortableApps.

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