New releases of Spybot – Search & Destroy and Spybot Anti-Beacon

As a long established and well known innovator in computer privacy and security, Safer-Networking Ltd. has reacted to public demand and has released new versions of their award-winning anti-spyware software Spybot – Search & Destroy and its unique privacy & anti-telemetry solution Spybot Anti-Beacon.

“2021 saw an alarming spike in ransomware attacks, and the pandemic led to more vectors for the attack of corporate networks”. Spybot inventor Patrick Kolla, well known in the industry for ‘thinking outside the box’ decided to focus completely on technological research & functionality this year to address these new issues.

Spybot 2.9 features a long list of highest quality under the hood updates, including outstanding support for Windows 11 and the latest releases of major and niche web browsers. Spybot’s unique approach to anti-malware and unpopular software complements the award-winning first class antivirus software included in all paid versions, resulting in a complete solution that goes far beyond what regular antivirus suites cover – even at an affordable and competitive price.

Spybot Anti-Beacon 3.8, a feature-rich one-click anti-telemetry solution included in Spybot Professional Edition and available stand-alone, further extends the users privacy to include protection from many kinds of telemetry from legit providers, ranging from Windows itself to popular office suites and browsers.

‘Restricting the amount of telemetry, most of which occurs without your permission, that your device exchanges when connected to the Internet does not only give you added protection and improve your privacy, it also reduces the bandwidth you use and thus reduces your carbon footprint’ explains Safer-Networking’s Environmental Officer Alec Darragh.

Spybot Anti- Beacon puts you back in control of the telemetry you exchange and leads to a great improvement in your privacy and as an added bonus a saving in the energy being wasted.